Keep Walking

When I look back at my life this past week, I am filled with a sense of gratitude to God for His faithfulness.. faithfulness that is unwavering. Being in Christ is no guarantee that we will never go wrong, but that when we do, He in His patience will guide us back to the path of life.

Initially, when I opened this blog, my intention was not to make it to be a kind of online ministry.. but rather to simply share with the world some of my personal learnings in my walk with Jesus.. so that another might benefit from what the Lord has taught me. At some point though, my desire to write became more important than my walk with Him.

There is nothing wrong in desiring to use your skills for the Lord, of course, but unless your actions are rooted in Christ.. in love for Him and His children, it is impossible to bear fruit.. [and I was just about to find that out]. Writing prompts that seemed to come without ceasing suddenly dried up. And when I tried mining for ideas to write, I ended up with posts that I could not complete [still in draft] either for lack of words or simply because I was confronted through scripture that the ideas were partly flawed.

And it was in this frustration – unable to write and wondering why I couldn’t – that I entered my weekly quiet time. As I spent more time with His Word for company, I realised what I had been lacking. Through the week, the anxieties caused by the storms in life kept me seeking the Lord for comfort.. but kept me from seeking Him. When I finally did, I was able to see why I couldn’t write.

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

The reason I write should be Christ. Nothing else. Not to make this a successful blog.. to rake up views/visitors.. or to satisfy my pride. The closer I am to God, the prompts would come as and when they’re necessary. And when I receive a prompt from Him, He will be with me and enable me to write. Trust and obey. Simple, eh..? Grateful to Him for being patient with me amidst my ignorantly prideful attempts. Truly, apart from Him I can do nothing….

It’s easy to forget sometimes
And become legends in our minds
But we’re just tools within His hands
Used to carry out His plans.

Ken Lawrence [Just The Brush]

11 thoughts on “Keep Walking

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    1. Thank you so much, Robyn 😊 I wish it could be better.. But all my situations are safe in our Lord’s hands, so that’s as good as that. Hope you’re well too..?

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      1. You’re so welcome. And you’re right; the Lord is right next to you and He loves you so much! I am, thank you! 😊 I had an idea of something to write, so I’m up writing in the middle of the night haha!

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  1. This post was something I needed to read, and digest. I had an incident that really wounded my heart, and though I forgave immediately, I was struggling to write. We must guard our hearts and minds…only way is spending time with Him. God bless you.

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    1. I’m glad these words were useful to you. Exactly. Our experiences may be different, but the bottom line is the same. We can do nothing unless we receive His guidence. And for that we need to abide in Him 😊 Thank you for your comment. God bless you too.

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