The Church

Do you see the Church as an abode of the righteous.. or as the refuge of sinners..?

18 thoughts on “The Church

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    1. Absolutely. Agree with you there Frances. Each of us though we are sinners, are credited with the righteousness of Christ Himself πŸ™‚ This was just a little thought I had about how we tend to hide our brokenness in Church, the very place where we need to be open about our weakness, so that we can receive godly help..? Of course, that’s more a reflection of my experience. I’m sure there are many churches that do keep things real πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for your comment Frances….

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    1. Agree that it is unwise to keep our eyes away from the fact that we are made righteous through Christ. But I just wonder.. if our churches have become the places where we all strive to appear more righteous to fit in, rather than to be honest about our weaknesses. Wouldn’t that honesty ensure we receive the godly support that we so require..? Just a mild thought…. 😊


  1. Just yesterday, I wrote that I am an imperfect Christian in an imperfect world. Although the church is the body of Christ, the body exists in this imperfect world, and the imperfections cling to the body. However, as children of Almighty God, we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Praise the Lord, the righteous church made up of us imperfect and soiled sinners is a refuge for us!

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    1. You have beautifully summed it all up πŸ™‚ I couldn’t agree more. As I read your comment, I was reminded of Peter’s conversation with the Lord as He washed His disciples’ feet. We certainly need to constantly keep washing our feet of the dust that clings, for as long as we walk this Earth….

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  2. Great to have both in the church. πŸ™‚ we rejoice for every soul that is saved and encourage one another to grow in faith and love.. Make Christ committed followers who will make Christ committed followers.

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    1. Oh yes.. it is a wonderful thing to have both, isn’t it..? πŸ™‚ A body that encourages each other in our imperfections to grow together toward the perfection in Him….


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